How To Use Kreg Jig Pocket Hole

How To Use Kreg Jig Pocket Hole
Over the past decade, pocket hole joinery has enabled millions of people to make strong, great-looking furniture and other projects without years of training or experience. Anyone can purchase a relatively inexpensive pocket hole jig and start building immediately! It’s not just a great introduction into woodworking, but a great technique for experienced builders too.
Some people will argue that pocket screws are “cheating” and the only proper way to build is by spending countless hours practicing and refining techniques such as mortise and tenons, or hand cut dovetail joints. While I am not interested in getting deep into this topic here, it is pretty hard to discuss pocket holes without touching on it.
There is a wide spectrum of building and woodworking. Some people find that the process alone is woodworking’s greatest reward. And I totally get this. Spending time perfecting difficult skills and procedures can be personally satisfying and enjoyable. Quiet time in the shop can be a centering, healing experience. At the other end of the spectrum are the “project based” makers. These folks are more interested in completing a project they can use, rather than relishing in the shop experience.
Of course most of us are somewhere in between and that’s what makes woodworking interesting. We can awe at the work of others and get inspired by their approaches and goals. It’s a big community and there is plenty of room for all of us!
In this video the author covers the basics of How To Use Kreg Jig Pocket Hole and create strong woodworking joints.