How To Build A
Chair out of pallet wood
An easy DIY chair out of pallet wood that anyone can build! A good project for beginners who want to go into making pallet furniture!
A step by step furniture project DIY.
Why a chair out of pallet wood?
There’s lots of outdoor furniture to be had.
However, I desired some outdoor furniture for the patio that was unique. Something you couldn’t find in a big box store. And something super comfy! Plus affordable. Sound familiar?
I’m also an avid collector of pallets and reclaimed wood. So when I ran out of interest in what the stores had on the market, I decided to come up with my own idea to create a DIY chair out of pallet wood.
So I gathered up some pallets, a post and got right to work!
And the end result? This outdoor furniture took few hours to build. And it’s so easy, even a beginner builder can make it!
Here is How To Build A chair with wood pallet, it’s So beautiful!

how to build a chair out of pallets

how to build a chair out of pallets
Here is how to protect your wood pallet chair
Since my pallet chair sits underneath my patio roof, it has protection from the elements so I did not protect the wood in any way.
It’s now been years, and the wood looks as good as new!
However if you have yours sitting in the weather, I’d suggest to consider tung oil or some kind of wood protectant varnish that will stand the test of time so your pallet wood doesn’t rot.
Painting bare wood with Milk Paint would also work fabulous.
Read also
Easy diy wood patio chair project
How To Make A Pallet Lounge Chair